Enrico Zio at RAMS in Orlando, Florida


2019, January 29, Enrico Zio gave a tutorial at the Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) 2019, in Orlando, Florida.

The title was: Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques for Fault Detection and Diagnosis and Failure Prognosis in Industrial Components and Systems

The third millennium has started with a technological revolution that, under the name of Industry 4.0, promotes a re-thinking of the industrial processes and systems to enhance various performances and functionalities, sustainability, energy-efficiency, automation, among others.

The proposed tutorial aims at contributing to enabling the above scenario by presenting models, methods, algorithms and tools for modelling complex industrial components and systems and for treating their data, with the objective of detecting, diagnosing and predicting anomalous conditions for anticipating failures and supporting effective, condition-based and predictive maintenance practices.