Throughout the summer, Bachelor, Master and doctoral students in computer science from the Politehnica University of Bucharest (UPB) contributed to the work in the data sciences of CRC and OIE (Observation, Impacts, Energy lab of MINES ParisTech). The opportunity for them to confront new issues, in an interdisciplinary environment, on topics as varied as: the automatic analysis of arguments from NTSB investigation reports; the automatic labeling of records of brain activity; the search of massive corpus of Earth observation data; the development of Intelligent Tutorial Systems to improve human performance; or the automatic classification of AIS messages.
The work will continue over the yeat, with a view to academic publication.
After three years of fruitful collaboration, the relationship between UPB and MINES ParisTech can now be framed within a long-term vision, through PhDs in co-supervision or exchanges of students to offer the best level of training, anchored in a European perspective.