Professor Farhat from Stanford at CRC
From the 20th to the 22nd of August, at the initiative of our colleague Elie Hachem of the CEMEF of MINES ParisTech, we exchanged with Professor Charbel Farhat, Head of the Department of Aeronautics and […]
From the 20th to the 22nd of August, at the initiative of our colleague Elie Hachem of the CEMEF of MINES ParisTech, we exchanged with Professor Charbel Farhat, Head of the Department of Aeronautics and […]
The annual conference of the Engineering Group of the British Geological Society (EGGS) was held at Christ’s College, University of Cambridge, April 12-14. Its title indicated the goal: “keeping lessons alive”. During three days (including […]
From 4 to 14 March, Franck Guarnieri and Sébastien Travadel stayed at the University of Berkeley, the opportunity to continue a collaboration initiated since 2012 with the Lawrence Berkeley Lab in the aftermath of the […]
Thibaut Eude, PhD candidate at the CRC, attended the Society for Risk Analysis 2017 conference held December 10-14,2017 in Arlington, USA. He presented his thesis work on the representation of knowledge through ontologies for a […]
November 28th, the CRC had the honor and the happiness of welcoming Professor Miwao Matsumoto, sociologist, from the University of Tokyo. Professor Matsumoto presented and discussed his concept, the result of his work following the […]
CRC contribution to the book Risk in extreme environments (edited by Prof. Vicki Bier, 2018). Chapter 4: « Decision Making on Trial: The Extreme Situation at Fukushima Daiichi » by Sébastien Travadel, Christophe Martin and […]
CRC will participate in the annual Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) conference in Arlington, December 10-14. This international conference brings together academic, industrial research and risk control practitioners to re-examine the methods and epistemic foundations […]
The CRC is the co-inventor of the software platform for global risk management known as Preventeo. This platform is operated, developed and available as a product from Preventeo. The CRC and Preventeo have signed a […]
A decision support framework for ImproviNg Cross-border Area (INCA) resilience to disasters. The aim of the project is to contribute to the understanding and to the enhancing of cross-border area resilience with regard to the […]
“Industrial Safety and Utopia: Insights from the Fukushima Daiichi Accident”. Written by: Sébastien Travadel, Franck Guarnieri and Aurélien Portelli. Abstract: Feedback from industrial accidents is provided by various state or even international, institutions, and lessons […]